About the project

For many years, the EU has invested in creating policies to prepare the society for Disasters under the Civil Society Mechanisms Policies. According to statistics published by the International Association of Fire and Rescue Services (CTIF) in 2017, the number of registered professional firemen in 28 EU member countries is estimated 370,000 and active volunteer firefighters over 2.5 million. The concept of voluntary firefighting in our country is very new and it is not known how many official volunteer firefighters exist. In this context, under the EU 2020 Strategy, from the EU Civil Protection Mechanisms Policy through " promotion of prevention culture, development of cooperation preventing and reducing the potential effects of disasters among civil protection and other related services starting from establishing a better protection system against disasters" and lifelong learning policies, to realize the lifelong learning and mobility; To increase the quality and effectiveness of education and training systems; to Promote equality, social harmony and active citizenship; At every level of education, with the understanding of including entrepreneurship, increasing efforts for creativity and innovation and investing in human capital, starting from the priority of Erasmus + "Digital field open and innovative applications",Our institution has prepared the Digi-Fire Project to teach the Volunteer Firefighters with training by means of digital training materials.